Mombasa, Kenya

About Us

Digital Refuge is a dynamic and forward-thinking NGO based in Kenya, committed to empowering vulnerable groups through comprehensive digital skills training, intensive mentorship programs, and sustainable activities. Our vision is to create a society where every individual, regardless of their background, has equal access to opportunities, information, and the ability to shape their future. Mission and SDGs: At, we are dedicated to realizing the vision of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by leveraging the power of digital skills and mentorship. Through our strategic initiatives, we actively contribute to the following SDGs:

  • No Poverty (SDG 1): By equipping vulnerable communities with digital skills, we empower them to break the cycle of poverty and achieve economic independence.
  • Quality Education (SDG 4): We provide comprehensive digital training programs that enhance educational opportunities, enabling individuals from marginalized groups to access quality education and bridge the digital divide.
  • Gender Equality (SDG 5): prioritizes the empowerment of women, addressing gender inequalities by offering specialized digital skills training, mentorship, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10): We focus on addressing inequalities faced by various vulnerable groups, including refugees, youths, survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), individuals in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs), less represented communities, single mothers, and orphans. Through tailored digital skills programs, we enable these groups to overcome barriers and participate fully in society.
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8): empowers vulnerable groups with entrepreneurial skills and digital tools to foster economic growth and create sustainable livelihoods. We support the development of micro-enterprises, online marketplaces, and digital freelancing opportunities, enabling individuals to generate income and contribute to local economies.
  • Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9): We promote innovation and the adoption of digital technologies among vulnerable communities. By providing access to resources, training, and mentorship, we help individuals develop innovative solutions and leverage technology to address local challenges, improve infrastructure, and enhance overall productivity.
  • Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10): is committed to reducing inequalities by empowering less represented groups and marginalized communities, including ethnic minorities and individuals with disabilities. Through targeted digital skills training and inclusive practices, we strive to ensure equal opportunities for all, fostering social cohesion and inclusion.
  • Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16): We recognize the role of digital skills in promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions. By equipping vulnerable groups with digital literacy and advocacy skills, we empower them to amplify their voices, engage in civic participation, advocate for their rights, and promote social justice.
  • Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17): actively seeks partnerships and collaborations with government agencies, corporations, educational institutions, and civil society organizations. By fostering strong alliances, we leverage collective expertise, resources, and networks to maximize our impact and create sustainable change.
  • Through these strategic initiatives, aims to create a lasting positive impact on vulnerable communities, contributing to multiple SDGs simultaneously. Together, we can work towards building a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future for all.

Empowering Vulnerable Groups: strongly believes in the potential of every individual, regardless of their circumstances. We are committed to empowering vulnerable groups by providing them with the necessary digital skills and support to thrive in the digital era.


To create a digitally empowered and inclusive society where vulnerable communities have equal access to opportunities and information, enabling them to thrive and shape their future.


Empower vulnerable groups through comprehensive digital skills training, mentorship, and advocacy, fostering social justice, gender equality, and reduced inequalities in alignment with the United Nations SDGs.


Years Experience


Expert Technicians


Satisfied Clients


Compleate Projects